Unlock Your Pelvic Power: 8 Pilates Moves for a Stronger Foundation


A image depicting the muscles of the pelvic floor in both men and woman.The perineum muscles play roles in urination in both sexes, ejaculation in men, and vaginal contraction in women.

Imagine your core as the powerhouse of your strength, and the pelvic floor as the essential cornerstone. It's not just about supporting organs; these muscles play a pivotal role in everything from stabilizing your core to, yes, having an orgasm. As we age, factors like pregnancy, childbirth, lifting heavy objects, menopause, and fibroids can impact these vital muscles, potentially leading to issues like a lack of control over bodily functions or pelvic organ prolapse.


Understanding Pelvic Floor Engagement:

Engaging your pelvic floor is simple yet powerful. Think of it as mimicking the actions of holding your pee and stopping gas. This not only targets specific muscle groups but also emphasizes the importance of knowing when to tighten and when to relax. Ife Obi highlights that maintaining the right balance is key, as overly tense pelvic floor muscles can lead to discomfort, especially during intimate moments or bathroom breaks.


The Pilates Prescription:

Pilates emerges as the ultimate ally in fortifying and releasing these crucial muscles. Beyond the exercises themselves, Pilates principles such as breath control, concentration, and precision further empower you to take charge. Designed and demonstrated by Ife Obi, the following routine promises to give your pelvic floor the tender loving care it deserves while sculpting your core, glutes, and hamstrings.

1. March:

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Inhale deeply, pressing your lower back into the floor. Exhale, engaging your core and pelvic floor as you lift one knee at a time, alternating. Feel the burn with 10 reps on each side.

2. Frogger:

On your back, knees in tabletop position. Inhale as you extend your legs into a V-shape, engaging your core and pelvic floor. Exhale as you bring your knees back to the starting position. 10 reps will leave you feeling the burn.

3. Flat Back Hinge:

Sit on the ground with legs extended, inhale as you hinge your torso back. Hold, engaging your pelvic floor, then exhale to return. A powerful move with 10 reps.

4. Shoulder Bridge:

On your back, lift your hips, squeezing your glutes. Engage your pelvic floor and lower your hips back down. Repeat for 10 reps.

5. Side Lying Knee to Heel:

Lie on your side, lifting the bottom of your waist off the ground. Rotate and internally rotate your top leg for 5-10 reps on each side.

6. Bird Dog:

On hands and knees, extend opposite arm and leg. Engage your pelvic floor as you alternate sides for 5-10 reps.

7. Quadruped Plank:

On hands and knees, lift your knees slightly off the ground, engaging your pelvic floor. Hold for 5-10 seconds, repeat for 5 reps.

8. Deep Squat: 

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width, inhale as you squat. Hold for three breaths, then return to standing. Feel the strength with 5-10 reps.


As we age, pelvic floor muscles may weaken, leading to various challenges. However, the good news is that targeted exercises, such as these Pilates moves, can help strengthen your core, glutes and pelvic floor, improving or preventing common issues. Make these exercises a regular part of your routine, and empower your pelvic floor for a healthier, more vibrant you.


Taking Charge of Your Pelvic Power: A Holistic Approach


The Journey Towards Empowerment:

Embarking on this journey to fortify your pelvic floor is not just about physical strength but a holistic approach to your overall well-being. As you integrate these Pilates moves into your routine, you'll notice not only a difference in your core strength but also an enhanced sense of control and awareness in your daily life.

Mind-Body Connection:

Pilates is not just a physical exercise; it's a mind-body connection. As you flow through each movement, concentrate on the precision of your actions and synchronize your breath. This mental engagement not only deepens the effectiveness of the exercises but also promotes mindfulness, relieving stress and promoting a sense of balance in your life.

Celebrate Your Progress:

Remember, every rep counts, and every session is a step towards a stronger, more resilient you. Celebrate your progress, whether it's feeling more centered, noticing increased control, or simply relishing the energy boost after each workout. Your pelvic floor is a dynamic powerhouse; let these Pilates moves unlock its full potential.

Incorporate Variety:

To keep things exciting and ensure well-rounded strength, consider incorporating these Pilates moves into your routine alongside other activities you enjoy. Whether it's a dance class, a nature walk, or a yoga session, diversity in your fitness regimen adds spice to your wellness journey.

Listen to Your Body:

While the structure and guidance of these Pilates moves are essential, always listen to your body. If a particular exercise feels challenging or if you experience discomfort, modify it to suit your comfort level. The goal is progress, not perfection.

Make it a Lifestyle:

Transforming your pelvic health is not a one-time endeavor. It's about creating a lifestyle that nurtures and supports your well-being. Consistency is key, so make these exercises a regular part of your routine, and watch as your pelvic floor becomes a resilient foundation for your active, fulfilling life.

Connect with a Community:

Consider joining a Pilates class or finding an online community where you can share your journey, exchange tips, and draw inspiration from others. The support of like-minded individuals can be a powerful motivator, making your wellness journey even more enjoyable.

Closing Thoughts:

Your pelvic floor is the epicenter of your strength, and with these Pilates moves, you're not just strengthening muscles; you're fostering a deeper connection with your body. As you weave these exercises into your daily life, you're taking a proactive step towards a future where strength, vitality, and well-being go hand in hand.

So, go ahead, embrace the journey, and let the power of Pilates lead you to a life where your pelvic floor stands as a testament to your inner strength and resilience. Your empowered, vibrant self awaits!

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